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Our services can be accessed through a variety of funding options depending on your individual circumstances. Please note that we are a fee paying service and only offer limited bulk billing options.

All initial appointments are 60 minutes unless otherwise requested. Review appointment times will vary dependent on your needs. This will be discussed at your initial appointment to ensure you are comfortable with your ongoing plan and the cost involved.

If you are an NDIS or LSA participant and you require a quote before accessing our service, please contact us via phone or email and we will be happy to provide this in line with your individual circumstances.


You may be eligible to access a Medicare rebate if you have a chronic health condition that is being managed by your GP through a Chronic Disease Management Plan that includes a Dietitian referral. You may be eligible for up to 5 rebated sessions in a calendar year with this referral.

You may also be eligible to access a Medicare rebate if you have an Eating Disorder management plan from your GP or Psychiatrist that includes a Dietitian referral.  You may be eligible for up to 20 rebated sessions in a calendar year with this referral. 


If you are accessing a Medicare rebate, you will still be required to pay the gap which is the difference between the cost of your Dietitian appointment and the Medicare rebate value.

Initial Appointment

90-minute time allocation.

60-minutes face to face appointment.

30-minutes indirect time including preparation, documentation and follow up.

Full fee: $190

Concession fee: $150

Medicare Rebate: $58.30 (Gap: $131.70)

Review Appointment – 60 Minutes

Full fee: $175

Concession fee: $125

Medicare Rebate: $58.30 (Gap: $116.70)

Review Appointment – 45 Minutes

Full fee: $140

Concession fee: $90

Medicare Rebate: $58.30 (Gap: $81.70)

Review Appointment – 30 Minutes

Full fee: $105

Concession fee: $60 or bulk billed with Medicare referral

Medicare Rebate: $58.30 (Gap: $46.70)

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